The birthstone for the month of February is the Amethyst. The Amethyst is made from quartz and is vivid purple in color. The February birth stone is said to protect the wearer from a drunken state and enables them to keep a balance mindset.

The stone is used in rings, necklaces, earrings and other jewelry, but it is usually not found in fine jewelry such as diamond rings, etc.

Gifting the February birthstone is appropriate for friends, lovers and relatives, but it would be uncommon to gift an Amethyst to charities and other benevolent institutions because the stone is favored for its sentimental rather than it’s financial value.

Ironically, most wearers of the February birth stone are not born in February. Most acquire the stone for its striking color, and very likely do not know it represents a birth month.

Many jewelers listed in this directory offer the Amethyst as part of their overall product offering. So, if you’re looking for the February birthstone, find a jeweler in your neighborhood from our home page and give them a call!